Executive War College 2024 Recap – Three Pre-Analytical Wins

Honeydew had the opportunity to return to present with a client partner at 2024’s Executive War College (EWC), the premier clinical laboratory management conference. This blog provides a recap of our presentation and three Beaker projects clients can undertake to reduce pre-analytical errors – just one example of the value we add. Why Target Pre-analytical […]

Demystifying Epic Consulting: Comparing Company Benefits

When deciding which contract to accept, consultants will often choose the one with the higher take home rate, even if the benefits offered with another opportunity outweigh the difference in compensation. This happens because it is difficult to compare offers while factoring in the benefits. Every consultant should strive not only to boost their hourly rates, but also the […]

Consultant Spotlight: Traci McKee

Our Consultant Spotlight series is an opportunity to better meet our team at Honeydew Consulting. Traci is a proud Texan and one of our leading microbiology experts. Her long working experience in clinicals labs makes her a valuable asset on any project and she is a strong advocate for the importance of medical lab professionals […]

Explain to Me – Beaker Charging – Charge Bundler

For those who have experience with Epic Beaker, you will know that being knowledgeable in Beaker requires extensive application and integrated knowledge to be successful. This is because laboratories are not only integral in medical decision making, but also is specialized compared to other departments, such as laboratory billing. As such, it is paramount that […]

Traveling During a Pandemic – What to Expect

With vaccines distribution starting to ramp up, we are starting to slowly get back to traveling both for work and pleasure after a challenging pandemic year. A year in which many of us transitioned from frequently traveling to our client sites to being fully remote. However, even with things starting to take a turn for […]